Pat Hanlin’s one-shot, one-take masterpiece.

I know this video doesn’t really have anything to do with this site but I don’t care because it’s Friday and it’s amazing. You gotta check it out. It was all done in one shot with one take. Catchy song, too! Filmed at Foundry24 by Strewnshank Studios.

Is it PIN-trest or PIN-ter-est?

  Just over heard one of those awesome conversations where one person pronounces a word one way, and the other person pronounces it the other way. It’s great because neither will address the fact that disagree with the pronounciation of the word, instead they just keep working said word into the dialogue whether it’s relevent […]

Blank Swatches for Photoshop

Here’s a blank swatch (.aco) file for Adobe Photoshop. I made this with CS5.1, but it should work for any CS version. I just got sick of deleting all those swatches after a reinstall (10 levels of gray!) and figured I’d share. Blank There’s a bunch of ways to use this. You can just […]

P.A.R.D.I. Time – My quest for passive income begins.

Passive. Automated. Renewable. Diversified. Income. I finally know what I want to be when I grow up… Nothing. I’m far to scatterbrained and distracted to really ever be ‘something’ worth being. I enjoy lots of things much, much more than I enjoy any single thing. The last time I bought ice cream and only got […]

For one minute please.


=IFERROR() is your friend

If you don’t want that #DIV/0 error in Google Docs, wrap your equation in =IFERROR() like so: Done & done. Bonus Tip I: Selecting the whole column and hitting CTRL+D or APPLE+D will apply that formula all the way down the column (or as far as your selection).  


Google’s auto-suggest functionality has completed changed the way I search now. I no longer even attempt to beat the browser with my search term, but rather just type the first few characters and instinctively pause and wait for the  cloud to figure out what I meant. One of my favorite uses of this feature is […]

King of the Juice: My Top 8 Juicing Tips

I haven’t been juicing for that long, but during my fast, I learned a few tricks that made the whole process a lot easier and enjoyable. Save the plastic bags that you get when you buy produce and use them to line the ‘hopper’ of the juicer. The hopper is the bucket part that pulp […]

King of the Juice: The 3 Day Shopping List

When I was doing the total Juice Fast, I drank 3 quart-sized juices per day. This is my shopping list that would last me for 3 days. Over the course of 3 days, i’d have 9 juices. 6 of them would be the mean green and the other 3 would be more fruity ones. Primary […]

King of the Juice: The Process

How I went about my Juice Fast. Step 0: Watch “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead” documentary to get mentally stoked.  It’s on Netflix instant. And Hulu for free. (Thanks Manface) Step 1. Buy a juicer. You need an actual juicer. Not a food processor. Not a blender. You aren’t making smoothies, you are making juice. […]